Brew install opencv 2.4.11
Brew install opencv 2.4.11

brew install opencv 2.4.11 brew install opencv 2.4.11
  1. #Brew install opencv 2.4.11 free
  2. #Brew install opencv 2.4.11 windows

For "Compiler:" select "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 11.0 (x86_amd64)" and click "OK".Under "Kits" select "Desktop (default)".From the Qt Creator "Tools" menu select "Options.".$ C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\Tools\QtCreator\bin\qtcreator.exe From the VS2013 圆4 Cross Tools Command Prompt:.$ cmake -G "CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:/opencv-2.4.11/build/install C:/Qt/Qt5.4.1/5.4/msvc2013_64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="./install" -DBR_INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release. Launch "Git Bash" from the Desktop and clone OpenBR: $ cd /cįrom the VS2013 圆4 Cross Tools Command Prompt: $ cd C:\openbr.Ĭreate a GitHub account and follow their instructions for setting up Git. $ cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF -DWITH_FFMPEG=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug. Open "VS2013 圆4 Cross Tools Command Prompt" (from the Start Menu, select "All Programs" -> "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013" -> "Visual Studio Tools" -> "VS2013 圆4 Cross Tools Command Prompt") and enter: $ cd C:\opencv-2.4.11.

#Brew install opencv 2.4.11 free

  • Consider the free open source program 7-Zip if you need a program to unarchive tarballs.
  • During installation setup select "Add CMake to PATH".
  • You will have to register with Microsoft, but it's free.

    #Brew install opencv 2.4.11 windows

    Browse to your pre-existing build directory "openbr/build" then select "Continue".ĭownload Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop and install.Open Qt Creator IDE $ open ~/Qt/Qt\

    brew install opencv 2.4.11

    $ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.4.1/clang_64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release. Navigate to in your browser to view the docs.ĭownload and install the latest "XCode" and "Command Line Tools" from the Apple Developer Downloads page. (Optional) Package OpenBR! $ cd openbr/build (Optional) Test OpenBR! $ cd openbr/scripts You're all set! You can find more information on Qt Creator here if you need it.Browse to your pre-existing build directory "openbr/build" then select "Next".Select "openbr/CMakeLists.txt" then "Open".$ git clone īuild OpenBR! $ mkdir build # from the OpenBR root directoryįrom the Qt Creator "File" menu select "Open File or Project.". Install Qt 5.4.1 $ sudo apt-get install qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev qtcreatorĬreate a GitHub account, follow their instructions for setting up Git. Install CMake 3.0.2 $ sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-curses-guiĭownload OpenCV 2.4.11, note Build OpenCV with video support $ cd ~/Downloads A hacker's guide to building, editing, and running OpenBR.

    Brew install opencv 2.4.11